-: Mar 30, 2024 / Melaina Lewis

Answering the Call: National 911 Education Month

April shines a spotlight on an essential component of our community’s safety: the 911 emergency system. National 911 Education Month is not just a time to acknowledge the tireless efforts of emergency service professionals; it’s also an opportunity to educate the public and children about the proper use of 911.

The Pillars of 911 Education

Understanding When to Call 911

One of the core objectives of National 911 Education Month is to clarify when it’s appropriate to call 911. The service is designed for situations that require immediate action, such as life-threatening emergencies, fires, crimes in progress, or dangerous road hazards. The proper use of 911 helps prevent misuse, ensuring that resources are available for true emergencies.

How to Communicate in an Emergency

Effective communication during an emergency call can save precious time and, ultimately, lives. Callers should be prepared to answer the operator’s questions, which typically include the nature of the emergency, the location, and any immediate dangers. Teaching individuals and children to stay calm, speak clearly, and remain on the line until instructed otherwise is vital for efficient emergency response.

Teaching Kids About 911

Children can be incredibly resourceful in emergencies if they know what to do. National 911 Education Month emphasizes the importance of teaching children how to use 911, including dialing the number, explaining the situation, and providing their location. Role-playing scenarios can be an effective teaching method, helping kids practice these critical steps in a controlled environment.

Practical Tips for Teaching Kids About 911


One of the most effective ways to teach children how to use 911 is through role-playing. Create scenarios and practice calls, where you play the role of the operator. This exercise can help familiarize them with the type of questions they might be asked and the information they need to provide.

Educational Resources

Leverage books, videos, and online resources designed to teach children about emergency services. Many local police and fire departments also offer educational programs and materials that can be invaluable in your teaching efforts.

Regular Discussions and Reminders

Incorporate discussions about 911 and emergency preparedness into your regular conversations with children. Use everyday situations, like watching a movie or witnessing an emergency vehicle on the road, as teachable moments to reinforce these lessons.

Stress the Seriousness

While teaching children how to use 911, it’s crucial to emphasize that it is only for real emergencies. Make it clear that prank calls can delay help for someone in genuine need, highlighting the importance of using 911 responsibly.

National 911 Education Month serves as a reminder of the critical role each of us plays in emergency preparedness. By educating ourselves and others about the proper use of 911, we enhance the efficiency of emergency responses and contribute to the safety and well-being of our communities. Let’s take this opportunity to learn, teach, and work together towards a safer tomorrow.

Posted in: Community Resources